Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil – Natural



250ml glass bottle £4.00        500ml glass bottle £5.00
2.5 litre plastic jerrican £19    5 litre plastic jerrican £30

SKU: N/A Category:


The shop is closed til mid March 2025.  Please come back then, best wishes, Eckley Farms Team!

Known for it’s nutty taste and bright yellow colour, use this oil at low temperatures, including mayonnaise and salad dressing, or at high temperatures including roasting and stir frying.  Also suitable for baking bread and cakes such as carrot cake.

1 Star, Great Taste Awards, 2016.
Highly Commended in the Great British Food Magazine Farm Produce Awards 2015 – highest placed entry from England.


Additional information


250ml, 500ml, 2.5l, 5l